A Call Graph Reduction based Novel Storage Allocation Scheme for Smart City Applications
Today s world is going to be smart even smarter day by day Smart cities play an important role to make the world smart Thousands of smart city applications are developing in every day Every second very huge amount of data is generated The data need to be managed and stored properly so that information can be extracted using various emerging technologies The main aim of this paper is to propose a storage scheme for data generated by smart city applications A matrix is used which store the information of each adjacency node of each level as well as the weight and frequency of call graph It has been experimentally depicted that the applied algorithm reduces the size of the call graph without changing the basic structure without any loss of information Once the graph is generated from the source code it is stored in the matrix and reduced appropriately using the proposed algorithm The proposed algorithm is also compared to another call graph reduction techniques and it has been experimentally evaluated that the proposed algorithm significantly reduces the graph and store the smart city application data efficiently
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