@incollection{, D3930EE3B3312582E88D746AC365166C , author={{KulshatAkanova} and {AssemMyrkanova} and {GaukharAbdenova} and {KenzhebayevaZhanat} and {L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University}}, journal={{Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology}}, journal={{GJCST}}0975-41720975-435010.34257/gjcst, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}22219 } @book{b0, , title={{On national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated}} , year={January 6. 2012} 527 } @book{b1, , author={{ HasslerWhitney }} , title={{Moscow 1935: Topology Moving Towards America}} , year={1977} } @book{b2, , title={{Catastrophe Theory: Selected Papers 1972 -1977 / E.C. Zeeman}} , author={{ ECZeeman }} , year={1977} , publisher={Addison Wesley} , address={London} , note={312 p} } @incollection{b3, , title={{}} , author={{ RThom } and { Morphogenesis / R. Thom. -?Stability }} , journal={{Logos}} , year={2002} } @book{b4, , title={{Catastrophe Theory}} , author={{ VladimirArnold } and { Igorevich }} , year={1992} , publisher={Springer-Verlag} , address={Berlin} , note={3rd ed} } @book{b5, , title={{The Topology of Chaos. Alice in Stretch and Squeezeland}} , author={{ RobertGilmore }} , year={2018} , publisher={WILEY-VCH} 581 } @book{b6, , title={{Simplified Model of the Catastrophe Theory for the Landslides Study // Revista Ciencia en Desarrollo}} , author={{ SLCastillo Daza } and { FNaranjoMayorga }} , year={2015} 6 } @incollection{b7, , title={{Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of elasticity}} , author={{ NIMuskhelishvili }} , journal={{Nauka}} , year={1966} } @incollection{b8, , title={{Application of conformal mappings in solving some problems of electro-and magnetostatics}} , author={{ RVKonstantinov }} , booktitle={{Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology}} , year={2013} 22 p } @book{b9, , title={{Wolfram MathWorld https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ModifiedBesselFunctionoftheSe condKind.html 11. Catalog of Minerals, Official Partner Depositphotos}} , author={{ EricWWeisstein }} , note={Modified Bessel Function of the Second Kind} }