Applications of Emerging Smart Technologies in Farming Systems: A Review


  • Vipin Kumar Choudhary



agriculture, artificial intelligence, farming systems, neural networks, smart technologies


The future of farming systems depends mainly on adopting innovative intelligent and smart technologies The agricultural sector s growth and progress are more critical to human survival than any other industry Extensive multidisciplinary research is happening worldwide for adopting intelligent technologies in farming systems Nevertheless when it comes to handling realistic challenges in making autonomous decisions and predictive solutions in farming applications of Information Communications Technologies ICT need to be utilized more Information derived from data worked best on year-to-year outcomes disease risk market patterns prices or customer needs and ultimately facilitated farmers in decision-making to increase crop and livestock production Innovative technologies allow the analysis and correlation of information on seed quality soil types infestation agents weather conditions etc This review analysis highlights the concept methods and applications of various futuristic cognitive innovative technologies along with their critical roles played in different aspects of farming systems like Artificial Intelligence AI IoT Neural Networks utilization of unmanned vehicles UAV Big data analytics Blok chain technology etc

How to Cite

Vipin Kumar Choudhary. (2023). Applications of Emerging Smart Technologies in Farming Systems: A Review. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 23(G1), 49–64.

Applications of Emerging Smart Technologies in Farming Systems: A Review

