# Introduction rthogonal Latin squares are used for construction of Graeco Latin square, balanced incomplete block designs and square lattice designs. A set of p-1 orthogonal Latin square of side p can always be constructed if p is a positive prime or power of a positive prime. If p = 4 t +2 and t > 1, then there exits pairs of mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order p (Bose, Shrikhande and Parker (1960)). From a practical view point, mutually orthogonal Latin squares are important and an exhaustive list of these squares is available in Fisher and Yates (1963). In this paper we use mutually orthogonal Latin squares in construction of mating designs for the diallel cross method 4 referred to Griffing (1956). A diallel cross is a type of mating design used in plant breeding and animal breeding to study the genetic properties and potential of inbred lines or individuals. Let p denote the number of lines and let a cross between lines i and j be denoted by i × j, where i3, if there exits a mutually orthogonal Latin square of order p, then there always exist variance-balanced incomplete block design for CDC experiment method 4. Now substituting the estimate of g in equation (3.6), we obtain the estimator of s. # s ?= (C d ? -(p-1)/2 p (p-3) Z Z ´) Q d = (C d ? -(p-1)/2 p (p-3) Z Z´) C d ? = H 2 ? (3.11) Where H 2 = (C d ? -(p-1)/2 p (p-3) Z Z ´ ) C d Var ( s ?) = H 2 C d H´2 ? 2 (3.12) Since H 1 1 v = 0, H 2 1 v = 0, H 1 H 2 ´ = 0, rank (H 1 ) = p-1 and rank (H 2 ) = v-p. It follows that g and s represented by treatment contrasts that carry p-1 and v-p degrees of freedom respectively and that contrasts representing g are orthogonal to those representing s. It means the proposed design d allows for gca and sca effects to be estimated independently. The sum of squares due to gca and sca for d are given by SS (gca) = Q´d Z (Z´ C d Z) ? Z´ Q d (3.13) SS (sca) = Q d ´ (C d ? -(p-1)/2 p (p-3) Z Z ´ ) Q d (3.14) The ANOVA is then given in Table 1. Crosses (adjusted for blocks) rank (C d ) Q ´d C d ? Q d gca rank (H 1 ) Q´d Z (Z´ C d Z) ? Z´ Q d sca rank (H 2 ) Q d ´(C d ? -(p-1)/2p(p-3) Z Z´) Q d Residual (n-1) -rank (C d ) -rank (H 1) -rank (H 2 ) y ´y -G 2 / p(p-1) -B ´ B/p - Q ´d C d ? Q d Total n-1 y ´y -G 2 / p(p-1) G = grand total of all n observations IV. # Efficiency Factor If instead of the proposed design d, one adopts a randomized complete block design with 2 blocks and each block contains p (p-1)/2 crosses, the C R -matrix can easily shown to be C R = 2 (p -2) ( I p -1/p J p ) (4.1) Where I p is a identity matrix of order p and J p is a matrix of 1' s . So that the variance of best linear unbiased estimate (BLUE) of any elementary contrast among the gca effects is ? 1 2 / (p-2), where ? 1 2 is the per observation variance in the case of randomized block experiment. It is clear from (3.10) that using design d each BLUE of any elementary contrast among gca effects is estimated with variance ? 2 (p-1) / p (p-3). . Hence efficiency factor E of design d as compared to randomized block design under the assumption of equal intra block variances is E = ( ? 1 2 = ? 2 ) is p (p-3)/(p-1) (p-2) (4.2) In Tables 2, 3, and 4 , we are presenting the efficiency factors of CDC by Gupta and Kageyama (1994) , universally optimal and efficient block designs reported by Dey and Midha (1996) and design d in relation to randomized block design, respectively. V. # Discussion In Table 2, we find that for p = 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15 parental lines , the design d perform well in comparison to optimal diallel cross Gupta and Kageyama (1994). In Table 3, for p = 5, 7 and 9 the performance of design d is more or less same in comparison to optimal design Dey and Midha (1996). In Table 4, for p = 5, 7, 8 and 10 the design perform well in comparison to efficient designs. Since design d requires minimum possible experimental units, therefore, design d can be used in place of GK and DM designs for estimating gca and sca effects. # VI. # Illustration We show the essential steps of analysis of a diallel cross experiment, using an incomplete block design proposed in this paper. For this purpose, we take data from an unpublished experiment conducted by Dr. Terumi Mukai on Drosophila melanogaster Cockerham and Weir (1977) on page 203. For the purpose of illustration, we take data of relevant crosses from this experiment. Each cross is replicated twice. The layout and observations in parentheses are given below. The following are the vector of treatment total, block total and adjusted treatment total, respectively. T = (31.9, 62. ![v = p (p-1)/2, b = p, k = p-1, and r = 2. The total O number of experimental units to be allotted to v = p (p-1)/2 is n = p (p-1). Henceforth d (v, b, k) will denote the class of all block designs with v treatments, b blocks and block size k. Example1:-Let us consider the mating design for CDC experiment method 4 for p = 5 parents. Consider two mutually orthogonal Latin squares L 1 and L 2 of semistandard form of order 5. Superimposing one over the other square we get Graeco Latin square.](image-2.png "D") 1Source of variationDegrees of FreedomSum of squaresBlockp-1B ´ B/p -G 2 / p (p-1) 20132YearD D D D D D D D ) D(comparison to RBDS.No. pnr2k E GKE d146341.000.662510440.830.833721660.930.934828781.000.955828740.660.956936880.960.967936860.850.96810459101.000.9891045960.830.98 3d in comparison to RBDS.No. Ref. No.pn 1E DMn 2E d1T25300.83200.832T35600.83200.833T45900.83200.834T872100.70420.935T2272100.93420.936T4082801.00560.957T4192520.96720.968T54 10 3151.00900.98 4S.No. Ref. p n 1 E DM n 2 E d S.No. Ref pn 1 E DM n 2 E d1T12 560 0.84 20 0.839T58 560 0.84 20 0.832T13 590 0.92 20 0.8310T60 560 0.97 20 0.833T33 540 0.94 20 0.8311T94 7 210 0.84 42 0.934T34 580 0.80 20 0.8312T95 7 210 0.91 42 0.935T37 5 100 0.87 20 0.8313T77 8 196 0.98 56 0.956T44 530 1.00 20 0.8314T85 9 252 1.00 72 0.967T45 560 0.84 20 0.8315T91 10 405 0.92 90 0.988T57 530 0.84 20 0.83DM denotes Dey and Midha , 5Efficient V-B Block Designs for CDC Method 40132Year20Volume XIII Issue I Version ID D D D ) D(Global Journal of Computer Science and TechnologySourceD.FSum of squaressquare Mean sum ofFBlocks4137.81Crosses9418.9246.5453.70g.c.a4341.7085.4298.56s.c.a577.2015.4417.81Intra block error65.20.86Total19561.93© 2013 Global Journals Inc. (US) 6ParentEstimates of (gca )± S E0-1.240.41471-0.650.41472-2.160.41473.2.580.41474.1.470.4147 7SCA Estimate of (sca)± S ESCAEstimate of (sca)± S Es 01-0.630.4818s 13-5.290.4818s 028.650.4818s 14-5.610.4818s 033.130.4818s 23-1.260.4818s 04-3.040.4818s 240.520.4818s 122.580.4818s 340.950.4818D D D D D D D D )( * Further results on the construction of mutually orthogonal Latin squares and falsity of Euler's Conjecture RCBose SSShrikahande ETParker Can. J. Math 12 189 1960 * Optimal design for diallel crosses with specific combining abilities FSChai RMukerjee Biometrika 86 2 1999 * Optimality of orthogonally blocked diallels with specific combining abilities KCChoi KChaterjee ADas SGupta Statist. Probab. 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