Security Provisioning in Cloud Environments using Dynamic Expiration Enabled Role based Access Control Model


  • Levina T

  • Dr. S C Lingareddy


role based access control system, cloud environment, trbac, security management, temporal constraints, and separation of duty


In cloud environment the role based access control (RBAC) system model has come up with certain promising facilities for security communities. This system has established itself as highly robust, powerful and generalized framework for providing access control for security management. There are numerous practical applications and circumstances where the users might be prohibited to consider respective roles only at certain defined time periods. Additionally, these roles can be invoked only on after pre-defined time intervals which depend on the permission of certain action or event. In order to incarcerate this kind of dynamic aspects of a role, numerous models like temporal RBAC (TRBAC) was proposed, then while this approach could not deliver anything else except the constraints of role enabling. Here in this paper, we have proposed robust and an optimum scheme called Dynamic expiration enabled role based access control (DEERBAC) model which is efficient for expressing a broad range of temporal constraints. Specifically, in this approach we permit the expressions periodically as well as at certain defined time constraints on roles, user-role assignments as well as assignment of role-permission. According to DEERBAC model, in certain time duration the roles can be further restricted as a consequence of numerous activation constraints and highest possible active duration constraints. The dominant contributions of DEERBAC model can the extension and optimization in the existing TRBAC framework and its event and triggering expressions. The predominant uniqueness of this model is that this system inherits the expression of role hierarchies and Separation of Duty (SoD) constraints that specifies the fine-grained temporal semantics. The results obtained illustrates that the DEERBAC system provides optimum solution for efficient user-creation, role assignment and security management framework in cloud environment with higher user count and the simultaneous rolepermission, e

How to Cite

Levina T, & Dr. S C Lingareddy. (2013). Security Provisioning in Cloud Environments using Dynamic Expiration Enabled Role based Access Control Model. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13(E16), 5–19. Retrieved from

Security Provisioning in Cloud Environments using Dynamic Expiration Enabled Role based Access Control Model

