Secured Audio Signal Transmission in 5G Compatible mmWave Massive MIMO FBMC System with Implementation of Audio-to-image Transformation Aided Encryption Scheme


  • Joarder Jafor Sadique

  • Jinia Rahman

  • Md. Sarwar Hossain


MIMO-FBMC, chaos-based physical layer security, digital precoding, mmwave geometrical channel, SNR


In this paper, we have made comprehensive study for the performance evaluation of mmWave massive MIMO FBMC wireless communication system. The 165F2;56 large MIMO antenna configured simulated system under investigation incorporates three modern channel coding (Turbo, LDPC and (3, 2) SPC, higher order digital modulation (256-QAM)) and various signal detection (Q-Less QR, Lattice Reduction(LR) based Zero-forcing(ZF), Lattice Reduction (LR) based ZF-SIC and Complex-valued LLL(CLLL) algorithm implemented ZF-SIC) schemes. An audio to image conversion aided chaos-based physical layer security scheme has also been implemented in such study. On considering transmission of encrypted audio signal in a hostile fading channel, it is noticeable from MATLAB based simulation study that the LDPC Channel encoded system is very much robust and effective in retrieving color image under utilization of Lattice Reduction(LR) based ZF-SIC signal detection and 16- QAM digital modulation techniques.

How to Cite

Joarder Jafor Sadique, Jinia Rahman, & Md. Sarwar Hossain. (2018). Secured Audio Signal Transmission in 5G Compatible mmWave Massive MIMO FBMC System with Implementation of Audio-to-image Transformation Aided Encryption Scheme. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 18(E1), 13–27. Retrieved from

Secured Audio Signal Transmission in 5G Compatible mmWave Massive MIMO FBMC System with Implementation of Audio-to-image Transformation Aided Encryption Scheme

