@incollection{, EED272AD49AA5C2E5579107790605987 , author={{KatsuoSakai}}, journal={{Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology}}, journal={{GJCST}}0975-41720975-435010.34257/gjcst, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}192115 } @book{b0, , author={{ RichardPFeynman } and { RobertBLeighton } and { MatthewLSands }} , title={{The Feynman LECTURES ON PHYSICS Japanese version chapter 4 Electrostatics}} 44 , note={IWANAMI publishing company} } @incollection{b1, , title={{Asymmetric electrostatic force}} , author={{ KSakai }} , booktitle={{Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 2014 on the Special Issue on Electromagnetic Field Theory}} } @book{b2, , title={{Theory of Asymmetric electrostatic force}} , author={{ KSakai }} , year={2017} } @incollection{b3, , title={{A first trial for the new electrostatic generator that will solve the CO2 problem}} , author={{ KSakai }} , booktitle={{Proceedings of 2014 ESA annual Conference}} 2014 ESA annual Conference , year={2014} B3 } @incollection{b4, , title={{A second trial for the new electrostatic generator that is driven by Asymmetric electrostatic force}} , author={{ KSakai }} , booktitle={{Proceedings of 2016 Electrostatics Joint Conference}} 2016 Electrostatics Joint Conference , year={2016} P4 } @incollection{b5, , title={{Electric Charge" question 1}} , author={{ DavidHalliday } and { RobertResnick } and { JearlWalker }} , booktitle={{Fundamentals of Physics}} , publisher={Wiley & sons. Inc} , note={6th edition Japanese version Chapter} } @book{b6, , author={{ KSakai }} , title={{Electrostatics: Theory and Applications}} New York , publisher={Nova Science Publish} , year={2010} , note={first ed} } @book{b7, , title={{Asymmetric Electrostatic Forces and a New Electrostatic Generator}} , author={{ KSakai }} , year={2010} , publisher={Nova Science Publish} , address={New York} , note={first ed} } @book{b8, , title={{Handbook of electrostatic}} , year={1998} 962 , address={Japan} }