Dyslex_Re : The Real-Time Assistance for Dyslexic People


  • Gill Varghese Sajan

  • Shahna E

  • Neethu Subash


opendyslexic, OCR, mobile vision, dyslexia


DYSLEX_RE is a real-time reading assistant app for dyslexic people. Dyslexia, also known as reading disorder and it is characterized by trouble with reading ability. Different people are affected to varying degrees. Problems may include difficulties in spelling words, reading at high speed, writing some words, sounding out words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud and understanding what one reads. Some cases run in families. OpenDyslexic is a free typeface/font designed to avoid some of the common reading errors caused by dyslexia. The font that includes regular, bold, italic, bold-italic, and monospaced font styles. This application is developed in English language using multisensory approach and it is an appropriate and suitable learning ecosystem for dyslexic children. Previous studies shows that many application that are developed in Malay and Spanish language. And this applications that only recognize some of the alphabetic. But in our application we work with all the alphabetic using OCR. The main objective of the proposed system that uses Google2019;s mobile vision API

How to Cite

Gill Varghese Sajan, Shahna E, & Neethu Subash. (2019). Dyslex_Re : The Real-Time Assistance for Dyslexic People. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 19(C2), 23–29. Retrieved from https://computerresearch.org/index.php/computer/article/view/1826

Dyslex_Re : The Real-Time Assistance for Dyslexic People

