@incollection{, F43F25A3A6F19FBA1ADE3C2ED4C28E4A , author={{Md. AnwarHossain} and {SadiaAfrin} and {Pabna University of Science and Technology}}, journal={{Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology}}, journal={{GJCST}}0975-41720975-435010.34257/gjcst, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}1923135 } @incollection{b0, , title={{Design and implementation of a card reader based on build-in camera}} , author={{ XLuo } and { JLi } and { LZhen }} , booktitle={{International Conference on Pattern Recognition}} , year={2004} } @incollection{b1, , title={{Finding Textin Images}} , author={{ VWu } and { RManmatha } and { EMRiseman }} , booktitle={{Proc. of Second ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries}} , editor={ ]K SBae KKKim YGChung WPYu } of Second ACM International Conference on Digital LibrariesPhiladelphia, PA , year={1997} } @incollection{b2, , title={{Camera Based Kanji OCR for Mobile-phones: Practical Issues}} , author={{ MKoga } and { RMine } and { TKameyama } and { TTakahashi } and { MYamazakiand } and { TYamaguchi }} , booktitle={{Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition}} the Eighth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition , year={2005} } @incollection{b3, , title={{Character Recognition System for Cellular Phone with Camera}} , author={{ KSBae } and { KKKim } and { YGChung } and { WPYu }} , booktitle={{Proceeding of the 29th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference}} eeding of the 29th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference , year={2005} 1 } @incollection{b4, , title={{A standalone OCR system for mobile camera-phones", Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications}} , author={{ MLaine } and { OSNevalainen }} , booktitle={{IEEE 17th International Symposium}} , year={2006. Sept.2006} } @incollection{b5, , title={{A Fast Skew Correction Technique for Camera Captured Business Card Images}} , author={{ AFMollah } and { SBasu } and { NDas } and { RSarker } and { MNasipuri } and { MKundu }} , booktitle={{Proc. Of IEEE INDICON-2009}} Of IEEE INDICON-2009Gandhinagar, Gujrat , year={18-20 December} } @book{b6, , title={{A Matlab Project in Optical Character Recognition (OCR)}} , author={{ JesseHansen }} } @book{b7, , title={{Optical Character Recognition}} , author={{ ThomasNatschlager }} Institute of Theoritical Computer Science } @incollection{b8, , title={{Dataset Generation for OCR" 10. Nadira Muda, NikKamariahNik Ismail}} , author={{ AparnavaraLakshmivemuri } and { TVSaikrishna } and { Atulnegi }} , booktitle={{Jasni Mohamad Zain "Optical Character Recognition By Using Template Matching (Alphabet)}} SitiAzami Abu Bakar } @book{b9, , title={{Optical Character Recognition}} , author={{ LineEikvil }} , year={1993} } @book{b10, , title={{Evaluation of OCR Algorithms for Images with Different Spatial Resolutions and Noises}} , author={{ QuinChen }} , year={2003} University of Ottawa } @book{b11, , title={{Optical Character Recognition Using Template Matching}} , author={{ RachitVirendra } and { Adhvaryu }} }