Why do we need to Introduce Temporal Behavior in Both Modern Science and Modern Computing, with an Outlook to Researching Modern Effects/Materials and Technologies


  • Janos Vegh




temporal logic of computing, modern computing paradigm, temporal behavior in computing science, computing performance, stalling, efficiency of ANNs


Classic science seemed to be completed more than a century ago, facing only a few (but growing number of!) unexplained issues. Introducing time-dependence into classic science explained those issues, and its consequent use led to the birth of a series of modern sciences, including relativistic and quantum physics. Classic computing is based on the paradigm proposed by von Neumann for vacuum tubes only, which seems to be completed in the same sense. Von Neumann warned, however, that implementing computers under more advanced technological conditions, using the paradigm without considering the transfer time (and especially attempting to imitate neural operation), would be unsound. However, classic computing science persists in neglecting the transfer time and is facing a few (but growing number of!) unexplained issues, and its development stalled in most of its fields. Introducing time-dependence into the classic computing science explains those issues and discovers the reasons for its experienced stalling. It can lead to a revolution in computing, resulting in a modern computing science, in the same way, as it resulted in modern science's birth.

How to Cite

Janos Vegh. (2020). Why do we need to Introduce Temporal Behavior in Both Modern Science and Modern Computing, with an Outlook to Researching Modern Effects/Materials and Technologies. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 20, 13–29. https://doi.org/10.34257/GJCSTAVOL20IS1PG13

Why do we need to Introduce Temporal Behavior in Both Modern Science and Modern Computing, with an Outlook to Researching Modern Effects/Materials and Technologies

