Adoption of Electronic CRM in Service Sector: Using an Integrated Model


  • Sameh Tebourbi Abbes

  • Romdhane Khemakhem


integrated model, adoption of e-CRM, the innovation diffusion theory (Rogers 2003)


The main objective of this research is to develop an integrated model of significant success factors of the adoption e-CRM system by determining the intention behavior the user in the service sector. The proposed research model was constructed based on the innovation diffusion theory (Rogers 2003), the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), and the Task Technology Fit model (TTF). A quantitative study carried out with 340 respondents belonging to Tunisian companies with customer databases A priori judgment sample method was chosen. We used structural equation modeling that is an adequate solution to the design of theoretical models and to test the research hypothesis

How to Cite

Sameh Tebourbi Abbes, & Romdhane Khemakhem. (2021). Adoption of Electronic CRM in Service Sector: Using an Integrated Model. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 21(C1), 1–14. Retrieved from

Adoption of Electronic CRM in Service Sector: Using an Integrated Model

