Website Text Translation and Image Translation from a URL using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)


  • A H M Saiful Islam




Now-a-days we are almost completely dependent on information system for our day-to-day work. Almost every organization of different sectors has their own website. These websites are visited not only by the native people but also by the foreigners. But sometimes they are unable to do so because of language barrier. At present, many translating tools are available but they are either for translating text of a website or translating text from an image. At some cases people have to copy the text and then translate it separately which is a lot of hassle and time consuming. We aim to implement a website translator which will take the URL of any website and translate it in any language. It can also translate the text of the images of that website. We have also created some more new algorithms for URL translation, English to Bangla number translation and English to Arabic number translation.

How to Cite

A H M Saiful Islam. (2022). Website Text Translation and Image Translation from a URL using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 22(E1), 9–15.

Website Text Translation and Image Translation from a URL using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

