Relevance of Agency Theory in Software Development


  • Dipendra Ghimire



In the Information technology field there has been lots of development. The development of software is increasing every day. IT professional are developing software for different business needs. Software is developed with internal IT professional as well as out sourcing. In many cases the outsourcing has been unsuccessful. In some cases the internal software development has also created some conflict. The relationship between the software developers and the project mangers is undesirable. This paper address these failed relationships and suggest a solution to a problem. The solution would be to diagnose the relationship from both sides. Secondly Agency theory can be implemented to resolve the conflict between the two.

How to Cite

Dipendra Ghimire. (2013). Relevance of Agency Theory in Software Development. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13(C4), 1–2. Retrieved from

Relevance of Agency Theory in Software Development

