Modeling a Secured Digital Image Encryption Scheme Using a Three Moduli Set


  • Dr. B. A. Weyori

  • P. N. Amponsah

  • P. K. Yeboah


RNS, VLSI, image coding, CRT, multiplicative inverse, binary number system, converters, moduli set, critical path delay


This paper proposes a new digital image coding scheme that uses a three moduli set with a common factor. The proposed scheme is specific to a particular three moduli set {2n+2, 2n+1,2n}. The design of the scheme is based on the residue to binary converter which achieves in terms of area and critical path delay as compared to the state of the art. This scheme offers high-speed processing because in the reverse converter the computation of the multiplicative inverse is eliminated, and it achieves low-power VLSI implementation for image processing such as digital image transform and digital image filtering.

How to Cite

Dr. B. A. Weyori, P. N. Amponsah, & P. K. Yeboah. (2012). Modeling a Secured Digital Image Encryption Scheme Using a Three Moduli Set. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 12(G10), 7–13. Retrieved from

Modeling a Secured Digital Image Encryption Scheme Using a Three Moduli Set

