Association of Data Mining and healthcare domain: Issues and current state of the art


  • Fawzi Elias Bekri

  • Dr. A. Govardhan


citation-index, ranking websites, web analytics, L3T, piwik


Data mining has been used prosperously in the favorably perceived areas such as e- business, marketing and retail because of which it is now applicable in knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) in many industrial areas and economy. Data mining is mainly gaining its importance and usage in the areas of medicine and public health. In this paper the investigation of present methods of KDD, applying data mining methods for healthcare and public health has been discussed. The problems and difficulties related to data mining and healthcare in practice are also mentioned. In survey, the use of data mining has increased, along with examination of healthcare institutions so that the health policy prepared is the best, perceive disease causes and protect deaths in hospital and discover the dishonest insurance declaration.stabilization of continuous and fed-batch cultivation processes. In the paper are investigated Monod-Wang kinetic model and it singular Monod form. The simpler Monod and Monod-Wang models are restricted forms of Wang-Yerusalimsky model. The Wang-Yerusalimsky kinetic model could be accepted as a common model. A second order sliding mode is investigated and compared with standard sliding mode algorithms. The sliding mode control permits to solve the control problems with smaller quantity of priory information and elimination of parameters and measurements noises.

How to Cite

Fawzi Elias Bekri, & Dr. A. Govardhan. (2011). Association of Data Mining and healthcare domain: Issues and current state of the art. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 11(21), 1–8. Retrieved from

Association of Data Mining and healthcare domain: Issues and current state of the art

