The Implementation of DMA Controller on Navigation Baseband SoC


  • Abdulraqeb Alnabihi


DMA controller; AHB


This article discusses the architecture design of DMA controller on high performance GPS receiver based on RTEMS. We achieve the optimal integration of DMA IP and navigation baseband system. We designed the hardware architecture of DMA IP and make full use of hardware performance with the idea of multiplexing. We use register and FIFO buffer to achieve read-write control. And we design the DMA controller with Verilog HDL. Finally we verify the design on Altera Cyclone4 FPGA. The result demonstrates that DMA controller can ease the CPU2019;s burden and shorten the acquisition

How to Cite

Abdulraqeb Alnabihi. (2015). The Implementation of DMA Controller on Navigation Baseband SoC. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 15, 39–42. Retrieved from

The Implementation of DMA Controller on Navigation Baseband SoC

