Inverse Linear Regression in Machine Learning


  • Subhradeep Biswas


inverse linear regression, reversed regression, machine learning


A linear regression machine learning model derives the linear relationship between single or multiple features (put in the x-axis of a co-ordinate plane) and a single response (put in the y-axis of the co-ordinate plane) for a given set of observations. The model then learns to predict the response for a set of new feature values using the derived relationship. However, the linear regression model does not have the flexibility to predict the feature values for a target response. The solution proposed in this paper can leverage the relationship derived by the linear regres

How to Cite

Subhradeep Biswas. (2017). Inverse Linear Regression in Machine Learning. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 17(H3), 17–18. Retrieved from

Inverse Linear Regression in Machine Learning

