The Human Side of Information Technology when Technical Controls Fails


  • Whyte Stella Tonye



The misuse of information has significantly impacted negatively on both individuals and organizations security. The technical side of security controls is critical in an organization2019;s security system. This paper provides insight into some information security using the human side and other measures to protect the system. The paper also describes the technical control measures that are intended to meet the protection requirements of a system. Technical controls are security controls executed in the computer system. The controls provide automated protection from unauthorized access or misuse, facilitate detection of security violations, and support security requirements for applications and data. Since Implementation of technical controls, however, requires significant operational considerations it should, therefore, be consistent with the management of security.

How to Cite

Whyte Stella Tonye. (2019). The Human Side of Information Technology when Technical Controls Fails. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 19(H1), 21–25. Retrieved from

The Human Side of Information Technology when Technical Controls Fails

