Encoding and Decoding Techniques for Distributed Data Storage Systems


  • Ms.Anbarasi A

  • Dr. K.Vivekanandan


Dimensionality reduction, high-dimension and storage


Dimensionality reduction is the conversion of high-dimensional data into a meaningful representation of reduced data. Preferably, the reduced representation has a dimensionality that corresponds to the essential dimensionality of the data. The essential dimensionality of data is the minimum number of parameters needed to account for the observed properties of the data [4]. Dimensionality reduction is important in many domains, since it facilitates classification, visualization, and compression of high-dimensional data, by helpful the curse of dimensionality and other undesired properties of high-dimensional spaces [5]. Dimension reduction can be beneficial not only for reasons of computational efficiency but also because it can improve the accuracy of the analysis. In this research area, it significantly reduces the storage spaces.

How to Cite

Ms.Anbarasi A, & Dr. K.Vivekanandan. (2011). Encoding and Decoding Techniques for Distributed Data Storage Systems. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 11(13), 21–23. Retrieved from https://computerresearch.org/index.php/computer/article/view/770

Encoding and Decoding Techniques for Distributed Data Storage Systems

