Verification of Lost Data Packets and Regularizing Packets Transmission


  • Dr. N Vinutha


Distributed systems, Data packets, malicious router, and Packet regularization


Security in the network remains a major challenge which is highly susceptible to maliciousness. The routers especially are a major threat to the network. They can be malicious enough to disrupt the transmission of the data in the form of packets. In this paper, along with the detection of a malicious router, the transmission of packets is regularized to maximum extent possible. A Conditional Packet Buffering (CPB) algorithm is used to increase the through put of the router.

How to Cite

Dr. N Vinutha. (2011). Verification of Lost Data Packets and Regularizing Packets Transmission. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 11(19), 51–54. Retrieved from

Verification of Lost Data Packets and Regularizing Packets Transmission

